Jumat, 20 September 2019


My reflection in last semester (Integrated English Skill 2)

Hi guys, how is it going? I hope you all doing good. So now I'm going to tell you about my reflection in last semester, namely Integrated English Skill 2 from my lecturer Mam Aci.
In the last semester, I learned a lot about things from learning Integrated English Skill 2. I gained a lot of things that added my insight, such as in English, the use of applications such as blogs, and many more.
In english, I can arrange sentences better than before. I mean good sentences that correspond to grammar when compared to the previous one. Although until now sometimes there are still mistakes😅 atleast I'm trying, right?
In the use of blogs, now I am more accustomed to using blogs than at the first time I used a blog. In the past I was still confused about how to operate blog and besides that I could add my vocabulary due to many things that I had to write as the contents of my blog. And also helps me get used to writing sentences in English, so that I can learn to use English that is more natural than before.
We also increase our bond with friends, because in the last semester we were assigned per group to make cooking videos. This makes us closer, because we have to do it together. Beside that, also because in the video we are required to use English, thus helping us to practice our pronunciation to sound good and more natural.
Yes, I have indeed learned many lessons from last semester. But that is still not enough, I still have to try more so that my English can improve better than before. So in this semester, I will try even more by practicing my vocabulary, grammar, and pronunciation more efficiently so that my English skills can improve for the better. Okay, that's all. See you in the next post. Bye!

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