Senin, 02 Desember 2019



Hello my lovely friends, glad to see y'all again. How are you, guys? I hope all of you are good. Have you ever been stung by bees? When and where? Same with y'all, I have also ever been stung by bees.

I got stung by bees when I was a kid. So my family have a garden in our village. Our garden is quite extensive, there we plant various plants, e.g. coffee, avocado, guava, mango, passion fruit, and others. One day, during the coffee harvest season, our family went to the garden to harvest coffee. The distance from our house to the garden is quite far, so we usually ride a motorcycle when we want to go to the garden. If I'm not mistaken I was still sitting on the elementary school back then. So, my mother did not require me to take part in harvesting coffee. But because at that moment I had never been go to the garden for a long time, so, I insisted to come along with my parents and siblings to the garden. Although my goal is not actually to harvest the coffee, but to play and to take passion fruit and guava, hehehe.
So, when I got to the garden I initially helped my parents to pick the coffee. But after a few minutes, I was bored and I decided to go to climb the guava tree and pick some guava fruits. Because the branches of our guava tree was flexible at the time, I shook the branches so it swayed and I'll feel like I were swinging. But when I did that, my mother admonished me that it was dangerous and asked me to stop swinging and to get off from the tree.
But I did not want to listen to my mother's advice, I remained in the tree while eating the guava fruit and continued to swing like a monkey, wkwkwk. 
When I was having fun swinging, suddenly I felt like there was something piercing my hand with a needle. I was so shocked, but I don't feel hurt at all. So, I assumed that it was just my feeling. But suddenly there was another sting on my cheek, this time it really hurts, and not only that, suddenly there were lots of bees that stung me. I immediately screamed and rushed down from the tree, then I ran to my mother while crying. Aparently there were bees nesting in the guava tree. 
While I cried out in pain my mother scolded me, "I told you not to play in the tree, but you don't want to listen to me, now this is what you got due to your stubbornness", my mother screamed at me. Meanwhile, I was just crying and regretting my stubbornness. 
Then my mother screwed up some leaves and attaches them to all the parts of my body that was stung by the bees and then asked my father to take me home. On the way, I covered my face with cloth because my face and body were swollen.
Things that I got from this experience are:
1. Don't be stubborn.
2. When stung by bees, immediately run away from the place where the bees stung you.
3. Screw up some leaves from the grass and stick it to the body that is stung by bees to  to reduce pain.
Okay, that's all for now, see you in my next post:)

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